Pinewood Derby - TBD
This year's Pinewood Derby will be held at our normal meeting location, Mt. View Elementary School cafeteria. All scouts will be gifted a PWD kit by a special guest at the December 19th Pack meeting.
This year's Pinewood Derby will be held at our normal meeting location, Mt. View Elementary School cafeteria. All scouts will be gifted a PWD kit by a special guest at the December 19th Pack meeting.
- Weigh-in: January 24, 2025, 5-7 PM in the MVES cafeteria.
- Race: January 25, 2025 at 10 AM
- Cars must be made from the official BSA pinewood kit and must be made new since last year’s Pinewood Derby. In other words, you cannot race a previous year’s car.
- No parts may be purchased from the Internet or other vendors. Scouts must use the Chassis, axles, and wheels that come in the kit. Replacement wheels and axles and the new colored wheels from the BSA store or are the only allowed wheel or axle change from what comes in the original kit. This kit may only be purchased at the Westmoreland Fayette Scout store or from Please access the site via the Westmoreland Fayette site to give our council credit for the purchase. Decorative items may be purchased from any source and used as long as the car passes all other inspection criteria.
- Because the event will be held in a public location, and there is no reasonable expectation to privacy, all participants and attendee’s photos may be taken by friends, family, and the Pack.
- Un-Scoutlike conduct by any adult or Scout will not be tolerated, and they will be asked to leave the race area.
- It is the right of our race officials to disassemble any car at their discretion.
- Scouts must identify the front of their car.
- No Magnets or magnetic devices allowed anywhere on the car.
- Cars may not extend past the starting mechanism. If the front of a car extends past the mechanism, it will be raced backwards. If the back end extends past the mechanism, the car will be disqualified. The mechanism is a rod in the center of the lane.
- Decision of the inspection judge is final. After inspection, the cars will remain in the race area until they are done racing.
- All decisions of race officials are final.
- Pre-made cars (from Lowes, Home Depot, or other stores) are not permitted.
- Maximum width (wheels & axles) – 2 ¾”
- Minimum width between wheels – 1 ¾”
- Maximum length – 7”
- Wheelbase distance may NOT be changed
- Official Scout Grand Prix Pinewood Derby Kit ONLY—no parts from the Internet or other vendors.
- Maximum weight – 5 ounces
- Maximum height – 4 inches
- Official weight will be determined by the official race scale. The weight decision is final regardless of the car’s weight on other scales.
- NO wheel bearings, washers, bushings, or springs.
- Wheels may be lightly sanded to remove mold projection. NO OTHER WHEEL CHANGES ALLOWED! No beveling, tapering, thin sanding, wafering, or lathe turning. Wheel profile must remain as supplied by the Official BSA kit.
- Wheels must be completely visible.
- Axles must use slots provided in the block of wood. They may be polished.
- Axle slot must be visible. Do not cover or fill groove completely. Judges must be able to see the center of the groove. Axle Guards will not be allowed.
- Only the axles that come with the official BSA kit, or from item #17007, (replacement wheel and axle kit), or from the allowed colored wheels may be used. Single solid axles are not allowed.
- No loose materials of any kind are allowed in or on the car.
- Graphite ONLY. No oils or silicone sprays permitted.
- Cars are to be lubricated before registration.
- Failure to follow the rules and regulations will result in disqualification.